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Artistic Swimming - Live From The Pool

Artistic swimming is not widely accessible across communities so that is why we have created our online learning courses to empower swimming instructors with the knowledge and skills to teach the basics of artistic swimming to their participants.

To enhance the learning journey for swimming instructors, we created the Live From The Pool series which is available here. Live From The Pool is a series of episodes aimed at swimming teachers and swimming instructors to demonstrate how simple it is to learn the basics of artistic swimming and how it enhances standard swimming techniques, offers new lifesaving skills and encourages creativity for swimmers.

The Live From The Pool series includes video sessions on the following skills: Sculling, Stroke creativity, Eggbeater, Body balance and Teamwork. We give examples of how each skill should look in the pool and how to break the technique down so it is easier to understand and show it isn't as complicated to teach as it first looks.

As we are demonstrating with real participants of different ages, you can see how the average participant will look like when trying it out for the first time. We offer ideas for corrections, drills to practice each skill and progressions for different levels of participants.

Our mission is simple, to spread to joy of artistic swimming far and wide across communities so log on and watch our free content today. If you love what you see, please click here to purchase the artistic swimming online learning courses.

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